Best and Worst Places to Hide A Safe in Your Home


Getting a reliable security safe is a great solution for keeping your valuables safe from burglaries, fire, and other catastrophes. While ensuring that the safe is burglar and fire-resistant could further help in keeping your things from being destroyed or taken away, it might not be enough. Remember, the most secure safe is the one that can't be found. No matter how advanced the features are of your safe, it can still be manipulated and cracked by an expert burglar. Natural disasters can also make their way to causing some damage to your safe if it is left out in the open. This is why location is a major consideration when installing your safe. Furthermore, studies show that burglars usually only take 8 to 10 minutes to go in and out of the house. They prefer to stay the shortest time possible to avoid getting caught. If your safe is securely hidden, chances are burglars will not think to waste time finding it.

So, how do you know where to hide a safe? And which areas are prone to damage and losses? Listed below are the best and worst places to hide a safe in your home.

Best Places to Hide A Safe

1. Kitchen

Although some burglars might check the kitchen for valuables, it doesn't make the top of their list. Unless the burglar is hungry, he will not think to find your safe within your kitchen area. However, the safe must still be concealed. You can hide it behind your refrigerator, oven, or other bulky appliances and kitchen equipment that can't easily be moved. You can also try to incorporate a false bottom to one of your kitchen drawers and place a small safe there.

2. Attic

The attic is one of the least accessible places inside a house. And since burglars want to get in and out of your home as quickly as possible, they won't bother finding a way to get up there. Just remember to keep any ladders away and lock the hatch every after use. You can safely store a large safe in your attic and hide it behind boxes of your old things.

3. Underground

A floor safe could be your best bet for concealment. Because they are fitted to the floor with a concrete foundation, they are difficult to remove. Once installed, cover it with a large rug, a huge plant, or a piece of furniture on top.

4. Laundry room

Another place intruders will most likely skip is the laundry room. In people's minds, valuable assets are not usually associated with dirty laundry. You can hide your safe behind your washing machine, dryer, or one of the cabinets near your sink.

5. Rooms with doors that swing inward

Any room with doors swinging inward could be a good place for your safe to be hidden away. Since the door opens inwards, you can install your safe at the side that is covered upon opening it. You can keep it in the wall on that side, covered with a hanging picture or any similar item.

Worst Places to Hide A Safe

1. Master's bedroom

The most obvious place that anyone will ever think of finding a safe is the master's bedroom. The owner of any valuable item will be inclined to stay in proximity to his treasured possession. This could be a disadvantage because burglars will also think the same. No matter how thick and sturdy your safe is, it can easily be manipulated by expert thieves if quickly found.

2. Closet

Closets are also one of the first places any burglar will expect to find a safe. You can try to use a secret cabinet door disguised as a mirror or install additional locks to your closet but, then again, you should still consider other hard to find places to store your safe.

3. High-traffic room

Your safe should be tucked away from plain sight and therefore placed somewhere that few people visit or pass through. This is why your hallway, living room, and under the stairs is not a good idea.

4. Garage

Although it is a place that burglars will not easily think of when looking for your valuables, it is still one of the worst places for two reasons. First, your safe should not be placed anywhere that is visible from the street or driveway. Keep it from being spotted when you or someone else from your household opens the door to take the car out. Second, most garages are humid because it is not climate controlled. This could cause damage to important documents and other valuables that you've kept inside your safe.

5. Disaster-prone areas

Burglar-safe rooms are not catastrophe free rooms. You might be able to keep your valuables away from the wrong hands, but when natural calamities threaten your home, you also need to make sure your safe is not easily impacted. For example, an underground safe is a bad idea for flood-prone neighbourhoods. Also, to keep a safe from fire, it is best to install it where it can get the most protection and support, as well as near sprinklers if they are available.

Now that we have determined the best and worst places to hide a safe in your home, you are now ready to get home security safe. I hope you can use this guide in your safe installation process. For further information and the best products available today, contact a reliable online or local safe supplier.


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